Animals stories Rescue stories

“Ugly” Dog With “Human Teeth” Kept Getting Rejected, But One Woman Fell In Love

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The story is about a Greyhound named Salty who has a unique overbite that makes her teeth appear human-like. Despite being rejected by many potential adopters because of her unusual appearance, a Melbourne family adopted her and fell in love with her. One day, the family noticed Salty chattering her teeth uncontrollably, and after investigating, they discovered that the cause was rooted in love. Salty had never experienced so much love and comfort before, and her heart was overflowing with joy. The family has now become accustomed to her frequent teeth chattering, which they explain is an involuntary response similar to a cat’s purr. The article concludes by emphasizing the positive impact that rescue dogs can have on people’s lives, regardless of their appearance.

Source: thesaltyhound/Instagram

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