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Rejected by Mom, Malformed Puppy Becomes a Beloved Teddy Bear

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Bosley’s Place, a rescue group in Georgia, shared the heartwarming story of Flipflop, a small puppy born with a front leg deformity. Rejected by his mother shortly after birth, Flipflop faced an uphill battle for survival. Fortunately, the dedicated team at Bosley’s Place (BP) stepped in to help him. Under their care, Flipflop quickly began to thrive. He took to bottle-feeding immediately and started gaining weight. Besides his front leg deformity, he appeared healthy with a good appetite and a zest for life.

The staff at Bosley’s Place closely monitored his development, and within weeks, Flipflop transformed into a vibrant and joyful pup. He socialized with other puppies at the rescue, quickly becoming a favorite due to his irresistibly charming personality. Despite his malformed leg, he played and enjoyed life alongside his new friends.

Concerns about his deformed leg persisted, particularly whether it might require amputation to prevent potential infection. As Flipflop grew, the situation became clearer. A veterinarian assessed him and concluded that surgery was unnecessary. Soon after, he was cleared for adoption, and Nikki and her family decided to give him a forever home.

The BP team was overjoyed to see Flipflop, now renamed Butters, begin a new chapter in his life. They were relieved and happy knowing he was going to a loving home with Nikki. Nikki’s family also adopted two other special-needs dogs from BP, Griff and Henry, now known as Hank. “He has an amazing family, truly incredible… Not only did they adopt Flipflop, now Butters, but they also adopted TWO of our other special-needs puppies, Griff and Henry, now Hank,” Bosley’s Place updated.

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Today, Butters is enjoying life in his new home, surrounded by the siblings and humans he adores. After a challenging beginning, he is finally in a place where he belongs!

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