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Puppy With Triple Cleft Mocked by Many, But Mom Sees His True Beauty

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Heather often walks her dog, Trip, who sadly receives negative remarks about his looks. “That’s one of the ugliest dogs,” some might cruelly say. Yet, Heather only sees beauty in Trip. Despite his unconventional appearance, Trip is striking in his own way, with exposed bottom teeth and a uniquely shaped nose that Heather lovingly compares to a cartoon character. “I actually can’t imagine him with a normal-looking face,” Heather admits in the video for Geo Beats below, always reminding Trip, “You’re special, you’re unique, you’re meant to be here. I love you.”

Trip entered Heather’s life through her work with NorCal Bully Breed Rescue. The organization often receives calls from veterinarians to take in special cases like Trip, who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and a cleft palate, considered a ‘triple cleft.’ Now over two years old, Trip is relatively healthy, though his eating needs careful management due to his condition.

From the moment he arrived at Heather’s home, Trip asserted himself, quickly becoming an integral part of the family. He navigates the house with his tail wagging, and Heather believes he understands his own uniqueness. Trip’s name suits his personality perfectly as he is always underfoot, making him a ‘trip hazard.’

The bond between Heather and Trip is exceptionally strong. Even when Heather travels, like a recent trip to Australia, she and Trip attempt to stay connected through FaceTime, though it often leaves them feeling more wistful than comforted.

At home, Trip is joined by Tilly, a miniature Australian shepherd who leads the pack, and Paco, a small Chiweenie rescued from a nearby park. Despite occasional negative reactions from passersby about Trip’s unusual features, Heather uses these moments to educate and advocate for understanding.

An older lady in the neighborhood frequently comments on Trip’s unattractiveness, likening him to the Predator, but Heather sees these reactions as reflections of the commenters’ own struggles. She and her daughter take every opportunity to educate people on the beauty of uniqueness, even in dogs.

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Despite the challenges, Trip’s distinct appearance usually leads to positive interactions. Whether they are out for a walk or engaging with others online, Trip is a source of joy and pride for Heather. “He’s just perfect for us, perfect for me,” Heather concludes, celebrating the special bond they share.

Click the video below to watch Trip’s incredible story!

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