Funny Dog Stories Rescue stories

Puppy rescued from breeder’s garbage due to health issues—now receiving a new lease on life

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A puppy discarded in a breeder’s trash due to health issues is now receiving much-needed care and a chance at life.

The incident came to light when a broker visiting a breeder in Jackson, Missouri, to purchase puppies noticed a very weak French bulldog puppy, evidently in poor health, discarded like trash. The puppy was suffering from an umbilical hernia and a heart murmur, which presumably led the breeder to deem him a lost cause.

The broker rescued the puppy from the dire situation and sought immediate assistance from a local rescue. Following this, the breeder was reported. The puppy, now named Oscar, was taken in by Mac’s Mission, a nonprofit specializing in severe medical and special needs cases. At the vet, Oscar was diagnosed with a severe respiratory infection, hypoglycemia, and a high white blood cell count, indicating severe malnutrition. He was started on antibiotics to help him recover.

Mac’s Mission expressed their shock and dismay at the cruelty displayed by the breeder, emphasizing the inhumanity of the act. Oscar, however, began to show his resilient spirit as he started to recuperate, although his heart condition worsened significantly, escalating his ongoing medical needs.

Despite the challenges, the rescue remains committed to Oscar’s recovery, relying on the support of their community to manage the escalating veterinary costs. Oscar’s journey continues as he awaits further evaluation by a cardiologist and enjoys temporary care in a foster home.

This story of survival highlights both the cruel realities some animals face and the compassion of those who advocate for them. Please consider sharing Oscar’s story to support his ongoing fight for a healthier life.

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