Animals stories Rescue stories

Puppy Drags Her Legs Along Unforgiving Pavement But Her Spirit Never Wanes

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Esperança, a dog with paralyzed hind legs, was found abandoned in heartbreaking condition. She dragged herself along the pavement in search of hope. Her situation was more serious than initially realized. The prognosis from the veterinarian was grim. The vet suggested euthanasia, believing her chances of ever walking again were unlikely. However, those who found Esperança were not willing to give up on her and decided to do all they could to help the puppy.

Physical therapy became a crucial part of Esperança’s new life. She underwent physiotherapy sessions twice a week, and despite the challenges and pain she was in, Esperança remained full of hope and determination. Esperança’s “spirit never waned, and her progress began to show.” With time and dedication, Esperança’s back paws began to move. This gave everyone tremendous hope!

Although Esperança still cannot walk on her own, she is happy and healthy. She knows how loved she is– and that’s what’s most important! Her caregivers purchased a wheelchair specially designed for Esperança. As the video states: “The once frail and broken puppy has blossomed into a vibrant, happy soul.”

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🐕 We are a small group of dog-loving people who decided to undertake this small project to help dogs that are abandoned in the streets. Using a % of the money raised from sales, we take care of feeding them and grant them a home to live in.
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