Animals stories

Pup From Backyard Breeder Longed For A Cozy Bed And A Little Sunshine

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Charlie met a dog named Pops, who was solely used to birth puppies by a backstreet breeder. The cruel owner was finally brought to justice, but the poor girl needed a safe place to call home. The vet wasn’t sure if Pops would survive due to severe neglect, but Charlie wasn’t giving up on her.

Charlie visited Pops at the animal hospital every day to root her on. She knew the pup was a fighter! As Pop put on more weight and her muscles developed after years in a tiny crate, the vet said she’d pull through. Charlie was elated! It was time to bring the deserving girl home. Pops had never been on a walk before or socialized with another dog. She had many “firsts” with Charlie, each more special than the next.

It took Pops six months to trust Charlie enough to initiate snuggles. Charlie felt honored. The dog finally accepted that she was safe and loved and thanked her mom for her new life. Charlie claims that Pops is so easy to love that it’s unfathomable that anyone could ever mistreat her.

Pops gives back to the community in the most incredible way, that surely can’t be missed! It’ll warm your heart and soul! We are so happy that Pops was rescued and her previous owner was prosecuted for his cruel deeds. Every dog deserves a happy life! Do you agree?

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🐕 We are a small group of dog-loving people who decided to undertake this small project to help dogs that are abandoned in the streets. Using a % of the money raised from sales, we take care of feeding them and grant them a home to live in.
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