Cute stories

Fawn’s life was saved by Goldendoodle, so Doe and her baby stopped by to thank him.

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Harley, who was trained to be a therapy dog, saved a fawn who was struggling to swim in a lake behind his home in Culpeper, Virginia. This made him a hero. The six-year-old Goldendoodle encouraged the fawn to swim to safety, and stayed with it until they made it to shore and the fawn was reunited with its mother.

The next day, Harley ran into the woods after being restless and found the fawn, with whom he touched noses and sniffed each other. Harley’s parents, Ralph and Patricia Dorn, shared the heartwarming story on Facebook, which went viral and touched many’s hearts on social media. Ralph mentioned that Harley’s heroic act was not surprising, as the dog had always been kind to children and animals.

The Dorns have been overwhelmed by the love and support from the dog community, and are happy that the story has brought joy to many. Harley’s golden heart shows how kind and selfless dogs can be, and he continues to be a source of inspiration.

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