Animals stories Rescue stories

Dog That Wept For Her Friends ‘Sees’ Dad At Sliding Door With Bag In Hand

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When a couple moved from Colorado to New Mexico, their pup, Cambria, missed her doggy playmates. She felt alone and isolated in their new apartment and cried incessantly for a friend. Her parents couldn’t let her suffer and knew they had to do something!

Dogs are pack animals. That is why socialization and companionship are so important. After Cambria exhibited signs of depression, her mom and dad acted swiftly. They looked into adopting a sibling for their deserving pup, and that’s when Cozy came into the picture.

Dad came home, walked up to their sliding door, and Cambria, eager to see him, noticed a bag that he was carrying. Could this be a present for her? Dad entered the house, set the bag down, and Cambria’s tail wagged like crazy! She sniffed the carrier, curious as to what was inside. Dad unzipped the bag, and a tiny Dachshund puppy stuck her little head out.

But a new, tiny puppy wasn’t what Cambria had in mind. Would Cambria learn to accept Cozy? It’s quite the journey ‘fur’ sure, and can’t be missed! To find out whether the dogs adjust and if Cambria’s sadness melts away, press play on the video below!

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🐕 We are a small group of dog-loving people who decided to undertake this small project to help dogs that are abandoned in the streets. Using a % of the money raised from sales, we take care of feeding them and grant them a home to live in.
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