Cute stories

Dog Gets Lost, Hears Owner’s Engine, and Runs to Him in Tears

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The phrase “dogs are family” is not just a saying, it’s a heartfelt belief. Losing a dog is devastating, and unfortunately, it can happen. Xian-Mao and her father were at the market one day when she vanished. Xian-Mao is a well-behaved dog and usually doesn’t require a leash. However, during one of their walks, fireworks went off nearby, causing Xian-Mao to bolt away.

Despite searching everywhere, her father was unable to find her. Xian-Mao had become disoriented and ended up somewhere she didn’t recognize, unable to find her way back home. After six agonizing days, she ended up at a friend’s house that she recognized from previous visits. The owner of the house quickly contacted Xian-Mao’s father, who rushed to be reunited with his beloved dog.

Image/Story Source Credit: M13 Channel via YouTube Video

Xian-Mao’s emotional reunion with her father is proof of the strong bond between dogs and their owners. The video of their reunion is a heartwarming reminder of the love and loyalty that dogs have for their humans.

However, this story also serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping your dog on a leash, no matter how well-behaved they are. Even the most well-trained dogs can become frightened or disoriented, causing them to run away and become lost.

Xian-Mao’s story has a happy ending, but not all lost dogs are so fortunate. By keeping your dog on a leash, you can help ensure their safety and prevent them from becoming lost or injured.

Please share this story with friends and family to spread awareness of the importance of keeping dogs on leashes and the powerful bond between dogs and their owners.

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