Rescue stories

Dog Brought To Shelter Because Family Is Expecting Baby

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Dogs are not just pets; they are loyal companions who would never abandon their family. However, when change happens in a family, some dogs are left behind or surrendered to shelters. One of these unfortunate dogs is Smiley, a pit bull that was dropped off at a shelter in Brooklyn, New York when his family found out they were having a baby.

The shelter marked Smiley on the “kill list” for becoming uncomfortable with handling at times. Julie Carner, a proud foster mom to Pitties, took to Facebook to save Smiley. Her post caught the attention of Olena Kagui, who convinced her husband to foster Smiley. Kagui reached out to Pound Hounds Res-Q, a local rescue group, who was working on rescuing Smiley from the shelter but needed a foster.

Smiley was neutered and then headed to his new foster home. At first, he was very nervous and shy. After a few days, he started to warm up and showed more affection. With some helpful tips on a harness and walking, they brought Smiley to a park with other dogs. The couple quickly fell in love with Smiley and have decided to adopt him.

Shelters are not always the best place for dogs, and Smiley’s story is proof that all shelter dogs deserve a second chance. Shelters can be stressful environments, causing dogs to act differently from their usual personalities. Smiley’s nervousness at the shelter was not indicative of his behavior outside a stressful environment.

Pet owners should not think of their dogs as disposable. They are loyal companions who can adjust to changes in a family. Adding a baby to the family is cause for celebration, not abandonment. Dogs, like Smiley, deserve a second chance at a happy life outside the shelter.

The story of Smiley’s rescue and adoption by a loving couple is a heartwarming reminder of the kindness and compassion of humans towards dogs. This story also advocates for the rescue of scared shelter dogs who can be completely fine outside of a stressful environment.

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