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Disabled Man Finally Reunites With Service Dog After Woman’s Reluctance

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In a heartwarming conclusion to a long and emotional ordeal, David Guindon, a San Bernardino resident, has been joyfully reunited with his service dog, Zeus. This reunion marks the end of a tumultuous journey that began six years ago when David suffered a debilitating heart attack and stroke, leaving him disabled and reliant on a service animal.

David’s story with Zeus started in 2014 when he adopted the Husky, who had been professionally trained to assist him with various tasks due to his physical limitations. Their bond was inseparable, and Zeus became an integral part of David’s life, providing him with much-needed support and companionship.

However, two years ago, a mishap occurred. While a nurse was working at David’s home, an unlocked door allowed Zeus to wander out of the house. David’s frantic search for his beloved companion included posting flyers and even hiring a pet detective. Although he adopted a new dog, Zero, to assist him, David never gave up hope of finding Zeus.

Then, a glimmer of hope arrived. A year and a half after Zeus’s disappearance, David received a call from Home Again, the company that registered Zeus’s microchip. The news was exhilarating; Zeus had been found. But the joyous occasion was soon marred when David learned that Zeus would not be returning home immediately.

The situation took an unexpected twist. A woman had discovered Zeus and refused to return him, despite the microchip containing David’s information. Instead, she wished to re-register the microchip in her name. David adamantly rejected this proposal, emphasizing that Zeus had not been surrendered but had been lost, and he wanted his loyal companion back.

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Amid this emotional tug-of-war, Home Again was unable to disclose the woman’s information to David. Determined to reunite with Zeus, David sought assistance from local animal control. Unfortunately, they had no records of Zeus or the woman, as Zeus had never been in their custody.

Desperate to reclaim his cherished companion, David escalated the matter to local law enforcement, filing a police report. However, when officers visited the woman’s residence, she claimed that Zeus had run away.

David’s story gained significant attention when he shared it with KABC News in San Bernardino. People were outraged by the woman’s reluctance to return Zeus to a disabled man who depended on him for support.

However, on the day of the news interview’s public release, David received an unexpected call from a police officer. The woman who had Zeus had experienced a change of heart and decided to surrender him to local animal control.

The heartfelt reunion took place, finally bringing Zeus back into David’s loving arms. The two of them can now resume their cherished bond, and Zeus can also meet his new brother, Zero.

This heartwarming tale, though filled with trials and tribulations, ultimately concludes with a reunion that encapsulates the enduring connection between humans and their loyal animal companions.

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