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Devoted Hospice Dog Stays Loyal to Her Family

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When a family recently moved into a new neighborhood surrounded by construction sites, they noticed a stray dog lingering around. This dog, later named Libby (short for Liberty), seemed abandoned, taking refuge in the unfinished houses with the construction workers’ permission. “She looked like she had been dumped there,” Libby’s mom told GeoBeats. For weeks, the family tried to win Libby’s trust by offering her food and water, but she remained elusive.

Determined to connect with her, the husband tried a new strategy. He brought their two dogs to meet her, hoping their presence would make her feel more at ease. “She was so happy to see the other two dogs,” her mom recounted. “It was as if she was saying, ‘Oh hey, you guys. Alright, I’m ready to go home now. That was a fun game I played with Mom.'”

To their surprise, Libby followed them home without a leash, walking in as if she had always belonged there. Libby’s mom joked, “I cannot believe I spent weeks trying to catch you, and you wouldn’t even let me near you, and now you’re just wandering into my house.”

The family checked to see if anyone was missing Libby, but no one claimed her. She became a permanent part of their lives. Now about 15 years old, Libby has traveled with the family on multiple cross-country road trips from the West Coast to Washington, D.C., and back. She sees both herself and her owner as the matriarchs of their growing pack, which includes two children and other dogs.

“She mothers the kids. She mothers the rest of the pack,” Libby’s mom noted. Libby stands guard during family routines like bath time, ensuring everyone is safe. “We’re doing this together,” she seems to express through her protective demeanor.

Despite her age and being in hospice care, with vets initially giving her just a month to live nearly a year ago, Libby continues to defy expectations. The family considered aggressive treatments but chose instead to fulfill a bucket list the kids made for her, cherishing each moment.

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“Now, it’s been almost a year,” Libby’s mom reflected emotionally. “She’s made it a year.” Even during vet visits, Libby insists on the company of her canine siblings, feeling anxious if taken alone. Her enduring spirit is evident as she continues to participate in daily activities and looks out for her family.

“I feel like I cry all the time now with her being sick. You just never know. I hope she knows that she’s always going to be a part of our family, even though she’s not always going to be here,” Libby’s mom concluded, highlighting their deep bond.

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